Disadvantaged Communities
2024 DACTI Summit For Equity and Resilience in Water
You’re invited to the 2024 DACTI Lessons Learned Summit. The event will be held on March 26th and March 27th at the Los Angeles County Public Works Headquarters in Alhambra; a virtual option is available.
The purpose of the triennial DACTI Lessons Learned Summit is to showcase efforts across California to engage underserved and underrepresented communities in making key decisions that impact their access to safe and affordable water. The DACTI Program has been made possible through funding from the Proposition 1 IRWM Grant Program. The Summit will share and celebrate successes in this program, highlight lessons learned, and explore next steps for ongoing engagement of underserved communities and Tribes in water and climate resilience efforts. Please visit the WaterTalks website for more information and to receive event updates, including event program and confirmed speaker list, when they are available. ​
Published by the water Education Foundation, the handbook was financed by a grant under the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 (Proposition 1), administered by California Department of Water Resources, and prepared under an agreement with the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority.
This handbook is intended as a resource for anyone in, or involved with, communities throughout the state that have historically struggled to make their water resource needs known to agencies with the power to help.
This handbook offers useful background as well as advice from people and agencies that have been engaged in seeking out members of disadvantaged communities and Native American tribes and have helped them have their voices heard and their needs addressed, whether for access to clean drinking water, sanitation or flood protection.
IRWM Summit: Watershed Health and People Experiencing Homelessness - Spotlight on the Central Coast and Ventura Counties, Statewide Impact
Several Central Valley partners sponsored a webinar on this important issue on May 5, 2021. Senator John Laird was the keynote speaker. Four panels explored various topics on perspectives and impacts of homelessness on water quality and watershed health.
Statewide Virtual Summit: Ensuring Equitable Engagement in Regional Water Planning
The Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA), in coordination with the Local Government Commission (LGC) and DWR, hosted the 2020 Disadvantaged Communities and Tribal Involvement (DACTI) Lessons Learned Summit from 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. on October 8th, 13th and 14th. This virtual Summit is intended for IRWM practitioners, Community members, Tribal representatives, and State agencies. Click for Summit Recordings.
Pre-Summit Orientation
For those not as familiar with Integrated Regional Water Management, the IRWM Roundtable of Regions hosted a “Pre-Summit Orientation” on Thursday, September 10th from 10 – 11:30 a.m. with a Tribal Session that followed from 11:30 – 12:15. The purpose of the orientation is to help participants understand what IRWM is – and isn’t – and the benefits of participating in their regional IRWM.
In addition to an overview of IRWM, three regional IRWM members shared their perspective on the benefits, successes and challenges of participating in their region’s IRWM. Click here for Pre-Summit Orientation Recording.