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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is integrated planning?

Integrated planning involves local agencies and interest groups working together to coordinate planning activities across jurisdictional boundaries. In this regional approach, individual agencies' efforts are combined in order to leverage resources and meet multiple water resource needs at the same time. For instance, water supply, water quality, and habitat projects might be combined with a flood control project in a manner that benefits a much larger area than the original jurisdiction. The result is a multi-objective approach that multiplies the benefits of any individual agency's single project.


How can I participate in the Roundtable of Regions?

Anyone involved in IRWM planning or implementation is invited to join. Send us your email address and we’ll add you to the membership roster.


How are IRWM Regions Formed?

A region is defined as a contiguous geographic area encompassing the service areas of multiple local agencies; is defined to maximize the opportunities to integrate water management activities; and effectively integrates water management programs and projects within a hydrologic region defined in the California Water Plan, the Regional Water Quality Control Board region, or subdivision or other region specifically identified by DWR (Public Resource Code Sec 75026.(b)(1)). Click for more information.


How are the IRWM Regions funded?

Each region funds the management of their own IRWM Region. The process varies from one region to the next. Consult individual regions for more information. 


Who can I contact with questions or information requests about the Roundtable of Regions?

Please contact us.

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